400 African Men storm Border of Spanish Enclave Ceuta, Praise Allah for their promised Land

un país que no es capaz de defender su frontera no merece existir.. ahí está la policía, pero claro.. ellos no van a ser "racistas"..

ahora al CIE, cuando no quepan los dejan sueltos; paguitas, techo, comida, Sanidad, Educación, reagrupamiento familiar.. todo gratis y por la cara..

y si delinquen y acaban (temporalmente) en la cárcel la broma sale aún más cara, unos 2000 Euros mensuales: ¿Cuánto cuesta un preso en España?

"la crisis vino de fuera".. claro, claro..

Over 400 young African males have forced their way into into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta. Border enforcement was mostly idle when the illegal immigrants stormed the fence, celebrated and praised Allah for granting them "their" new Spain. Because Ceuta is located on the African continent, entry is cheap and easy. Immigrants exploit the so-called refugee crisis by filing fraudulent "asylum" claims by implying that they are children or Syrians. If that doesn't work out, they will simply move on to another country that is more gullible.

They were given food, supplies and health care treatment by the Spanish government and Red Cross. International "Human Rights" organizations criticized border patrol agents of protecting the border and sending some of the migrants back. According to Amnesty International, the Border Fence is racist and violates human rights. The men should have been granted entry without resistance.

2 police officers were injured by the onslaught of the young men.

Most Africans will not stay in Spain as the welfare benefits for newly arrived Illegal Immigrants, wrongfully called "refugees" by the mainstream media, are much lower than in Germany or Sweden, who pays generous amounts of money t foreigners, provides free housing, education, sports and language courses.

They will likely make their way through Europe to reach the promised land of Germany that is actively advertised to African men by Angela Merkel to solve the "demographic crisis" of German women not getting enough children.

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