Teenager critical after stabbing outside Birmingham mosque

Musulmán chiíta de 14 años apuñalado en Birmingham supuestamente por un yihadista del ISIS:
Man, 29, is arrested after teenage boy was stabbed outside Shia mosque in front of his horrified brother in 'ISIS-inspired' attack just moments after being dropped off by his father for Muslim festival

ésta es la nueva forma de violencia en el continente de Beethoven, Schrodinger, Voltaire:

  • Kurdos contra turcos (alguos ejemplos en Alemania)
  • Chíies contra sunníes (como en la noticia)
  • Salafistas contra otros tipos de islamistas

y de regalo, 627 muertos por la "religión de la paz" los últimos 30 días:


During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 627 people were killed and 594 injured.

disfruten lo "refugiado"..

Teenager critical after stabbing outside Birmingham mosque

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