Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich: They are making so many mistakes, we are close to a tipping point

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Please visit our channel Alcyon Pleiades, at the following address: https://www.bitchute.com/alcyonpleiades/ to watch our videos on these subjects.

URGENT! For everyone’s sake, share these videos amongst family and friends, since we are in grave danger, being subject to medical and social tyranny, which is striving to destroy humanity.

German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich clearly explains that, by now, we should be aware that this has never been about a virus. It has never been about health.
Rather, it has always been about taking everything away from us, so that we will be dependent on them. It is also about population reduction and gaining complete control over those who are left. They are only the 0.000001%, but they are using money to bribe politicians, doctors and hospital staff, as well employing all kinds of psychological techniques to manipulate and threaten people.
They are trying to rush this thorough which is why they are making so many mistakes and why things are not going to turn out well for them, because a growing number of people are starting to ask questions. We are winning some court battles and we will win many more.

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