sobre los beneficios del multiculturalismo.. disfruten lo inmigrado..
Suecia el caos de la inmigración en Europa
Es increible como Suecia siendo en los 80 el pais mas pacifico del
mundo, con mejor calidad de vida, con menor indice de delitos y crimenes
y con la mayor seguridad se ha convertido en la capital de la violacion
y los crimenes. Y todo debido a la inmigracion.
Me jode decir esto porque yo conozco negros e indios de 3 y 4 generacion en UK y estan superintegrados y son muy productivos.
Ahora, Viendo este tema Stockholm hit by third night of rioting. Pm calls for calm : worldnews en reddit me he encontrado con este resumen por si a alguien le queda alguna duda:
Keeping Sweden Swede will not work"...Why not? Keeping Sweden Swede is
what has led to the creation of one of the most civilized and prosperous
countries in the world. Now, Sweden is the rape capital of Europe and
crime rates have skyrocketed.
Goodbye Sweden - YouTube
It is almost axiomatic in Political Science that the greater the
diversity of a community the harder it is to govern. Multiculturalism is
being seen as problematic by many European leaders.
BBC News - Merkel says German multicultural society has failed
British PM: Multiculturalism has failed - World news - Europe | NBC News
France's Sarkozy: Multiculturalism Has Failed - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
New Russian Civilization | National Politics and Multiculturalism
And for good reason. The effects of multiculturalism have been nothing but deleterious.
Sweden, 48% of assault rapes committed by non-western immigrants
Sweden Democrats publish report on rape - The Local
Immigrants in Norway are a net loss to the economy
Report of the Norwegian Welfare and Migration Committee | EMN
Immigrants in Sweden are a net loss to the economy
Public opinion in most countries are not in favor of immigration
Norway has begun to self-segregate pupils based on ethnicity to avoid ethnic conflict even with just a tiny bit of diversity
Apartheid row at Norwegian school after it segregates ethnic pupils - Telegraph
Increases in diversity correlate with problems worldwide, and the
downsides of diversity effect everyone, it's a universal human problem:
Increased diversity correlates sharply with decreased community spirit,
decreased altruism, depressed social capital, less ethical behavior,
more crime, fear, isolation and depression:
Bowling With Our Own by John Leo
Diversity experiments in Germany end in disaster
Denmark saved billions by restricting immigration: e-denmark-billions-a-759716.html
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