Emisión radioactiva de rutenio 106 en centroeuropa

Elevated levels of the isotope Ruthenium-106 have been reported in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France since September 29.

The source of the Ruthenium-106 is still unknown, but calculations indicate it may have been released in eastern Europe.

se detectó el 29 de septiembre en Alemania, Francia, Austria, Suiza, Italia.. no saben de dónde viene, nos enteramos ahora, pero tranquilos.. que no es tan peligroso para la salud (de algo se tiene que morir)..

y recuerden: la energía nuclear es sana, segura y barata..

disfruten lo votado..

RSOE EDIS - Environment Pollution event in MultiCountries on October 06 2017 04:14 AM

Spike in airborne radioactivity detected in Europe | Daily Mail Online

Detection of ruthenium 106 in the air in the east and south-east parts of Europe

Rutenio-106 nell'aria, il "mistero" delle tracce radioattive rilevate nel Nord Italia - Tgcom24

Spike in radioactivity measured in Germany, other European countries | DW | 05.10.2017

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